Internal Positive Control Assays

The Inclusion of multiple negative controls to rule out contamination is the basis for a correct interpretation of your data and standard in most detection workflows. To have full confidence in your results however, it is highly advised to control for false negative results as well. The presence of PCR or RT-PCR inhibitors, errors during sample extraction or thermocycler malfunctions are the most common causes and can be easily controlled for by including an Internal Positive Control in your run. Internal Positive Controls are simultaneously extracted and/ or amplified in the same tube with the pathogen target and, combined with a positive control, prove the functionality of the reaction mix for correct amplification of the pathogen target. This combination rules out inhibition and other malfunctions and confirms that a negative result is truly negative.

Depending on the target, channel and whether or not the extraction step should or can be controlled in your analysis, different Internal Positive Control Assays are available

See here an overview of ingenetix real-time PCR control assays.

Ingenetix real-time PCR control assays can also be combined with user-specific assays.

Please note that we offer many of our products in a convenient kit format with the Internal Positive Control assay already included.

1. ingenetix control assays for monitoring of PCR inhibition:
Assays are based on the amplification and detection of an internal positive DNA control target included in the primer-probe mix.

Order Number Product Reactions Channel IPC Target
RTGMCR-1 ControlReal 1 50 VIC Internal Positive Control DNA Target
RTGMCR-2 ControlReal 2 50 NED Internal Positive Control DNA Target
RTGMCR-3 ControlReal 3 50 Cy5 Internal Positive Control DNA Target

2. ingenetix control assays for control of DNA extraction and monitoring of PCR inhibition:
Assays are based on the amplification and detection of an internal positive DNA control target added during extraction or to the mastermix.

Order Number Product Reactions Channel IPC Target
RTGMIPC-1 Internal Positive DNA Control Assay 1 100 VIC Internal Positive Control DNA Target
RTGMIPC-2 Internal Positive DNA Control Assay 2 100 NED Internal Positive Control DNA Target
RTGMIPC-3 Internal Positive DNA Control Assay 3 100 Cy5 Internal Positive Control DNA Target
RTGMIPCTarget Internal Positive DNA Control Target 200 -

3. ingenetix control assays for control of RNA extraction and monitoring of PCR inhibition:
Assays are based on the amplification and detection of an internal positive RNA control target added during extraction or to the mastermix.

Order Number Product Reactions Channel IPC Target
RTGMIPCR1 Internal Positive RNA Control Assay 1 100 VIC Internal Positive Control RNA Target
RTGMIPCR2 Internal Positive RNA Control Assay 2 100 NED Internal Positive Control RNA Target
RTGMIPCR3 Internal Positive RNA Control Assay 3 100 Cy5 Internal Positive Control RNA Target
RTGMIPCR Internal Positive RNA Control Target 200 -